5-year nominal residential house price index percentage change for the country or capital city. Updated quarterly.

Last updated January, 2025
Hungary 107.37%
Turkey 74.51%
Iceland 57.47%
Czech Republic 52.80%
Malta 51.53%
Luxembourg 48.79%
Slovenia 46.20%
Portugal 44.99%
Netherlands 41.49%
Slovak Republic 40.50%
Poland 40.28%
Romania 38.67%
Germany 37.63%
Bulgaria 37.14%
Ireland 34.40%
Estonia 31.23%
Sweden 30.60%
Croatia 26.92%
Latvia 26.36%
Lithuania 25.44%
Austria 22.47%
Norway 19.61%
Denmark 18.78%
Belgium 18.59%
France 14.39%
United Kingdom 13.32%
Spain 12.52%
Italy 8.20%
North Macedonia 7.65%
Greece 6.51%
Russia 6.16%
Cyprus 5.11%
Finland 2.51%
Switzerland -3.31%
Serbia -5.15%
Montenegro -13.04%
*n.a. means there is not enough data to show a valid result

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