This table provides an overview of property-related taxes across different countries, covering key costs for both buyers and sellers. Included are roundtrip transaction costs, income tax on rental income (for foreigners) for individual property owners, and corporate tax rates for property-related businesses.

Real estate taxes can vary significantly between countries, and there are often opportunities for deductions or exemptions based on local regulations. These rates are general estimates, and individual tax liabilities may differ depending on personal circumstances.

To ensure accurate and up-to-date information, we recommend consulting with a local legal expert who can guide you through the specific tax obligations in your country of interest.

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Last updated October, 2024
Argentina 5.00-35.00% 10.60-11.10% 6.80-7.30% 3.80% 25.00-35.00%
Aruba 10.00-52.00% 7.00-15.00% 5.00-12.00% 2.00-3.00% 22.00%
Australia 32.50-45.00% 5.20-8.60% 3.60-5.10% 2.00-3.00% 25.00-30.00%
Austria 00.00-55.00% 8.60-11.60% 7.10-9.60% 1.50-2.00% 24.00%
Bahamas 0.00% 10.00-22.50% 4.00-12.50% 6.00-10.00% 0.00%
Belgium 25.00-50.00% 10.20-20.50% 7.20-17.50% 3.00-5.00% 25.00%
Belize 3.00% 14.10-20.10% 12.10-15.10% 2.00-5.00% 25.00%
Brazil 15.00% 7.90-13.00% 4.40-8.00% 4.00-6.00% 15.00%
Bulgaria 10.00% 5.70-11.50% 4.20-10.50% 2.50-3.00% 10.00%
Canada 25.00% 4.10-11.00% 1.10-4.00% 3.00-7.00% 40.00-48.00%
Cayman Islands 0.00% 12.50-19.50% 8.50-9.50% 4.00-10.00% 0.00%
Chile 35.00% 3.10-5.10% 1.30-1.40% 2.00-3.00% 27.00%
China 20.00% 9.10-12.10% 8.10-11.10% 1.00% 25.00%
Colombia 0.00-39.00% 4.15-6.15% 1.15-2.15% 3.00-4.00% 35.00%
Costa Rica 15% 6.25-9.75% 3.75-4.75% 2.50-4.75% 37.50%
Croatia 12.00% 6.50-10.50% 3.50-7.50% 1.00-3.00% 18.00%
Cyprus 0.00-35.00% 7.00-15.00% 4.00-10.00% 3.00-5.00% 12.50%
Czech Republic 15.00-23.00% 3.70-6.20% 3.70-6.70% 0.00% 21.00%
Denmark 41.11-52.07% 3.43-5.93% 2.43-2.93% 1.00-3.00% 22.00%
Dominican Republic 0.00-25.00% 6.25-8.00% 4.25-5.00% 2.00-3.00% 27.00%
Egypt 0.00-27.50% 9.00-14.00% 7.00-11.00% 2.00-3.00% 22.50%
Estonia 20.00% 2.52-4.20% 0.52-1.30% 2.00-3.00% 20.00%
Finland 30.00-34.00% 7.05-9.05% 4.05% 3.00-5.00% 20.00%
France 20.00-30.00% 11.09-19.31% 9.09-14.31% 2.00-5.00% 25.00%
Georgia 5.00% 3.60-6.10% 0.70-1.20% 3.00-5.00% 15.00%
Germany 0.00-45.00% 9.00-15.50% 7.50-12.00% 1.50-3.00% 15.83%
Greece 15.00-44.00% 9.37-14.77% 5.89-8.09% 1.00-2.00% 22.00%
Hong Kong 0.00-15.00% 2.85-10.00% 1.60-6.25% 0.50-1.00% 8.25-16.50%
Hungary 15.00% 6.01-14.05% 3.00-9.00% 3.00-5.00% 9.00%
Iceland 0 0 0 0 0
India 0.00-30.00% 7.50-11.50% 6.50-9.50% 1.00-2.00% 26.00-43.00%
Indonesia 10.00% 9.50-14.00% 5.50-6.50% 3.00-5.00% 19.00-22.00%
Ireland 20.00-40.00% 3.10-6.20% 2.10-3.70% 1.00-1.50% 12.50-25.00%
Israel 10.00% 2.60-15.10% 1.60-13.10% 1.00-2.00% 23.00%
Italy 21.00% 10.00-18.00% 7.00-15.00% 3.00% 24.00%
Jamaica 25-30% 10.10-11.10% 4.10-5.10% 6.00% 33.30%
Japan 20.42% 10.40-11.40% 7.40-8.40% 3.00% 20.42%
Latvia 20.00-31.00% 3.80-8.10% 1.80-3.10% 2.00-5.00% 20.00%
Lithuania 15.00-20.00% 2.65-5.95% 1.45-3.45% 1.00-3.00% 15.00%
Luxembourg 0.00-42.00% 12.50-16.00% 9.50-13.00% 3.00% 15.00-24.94%
Malaysia 30.00% 3.60-7.85% 1.60-5.10% 2.00-2.75% 17.00-24.00%
Malta 0.00-35.00% 15.50-16.50% 10.50-11.50% 5.00% 15.00%
Mexico 0.00-30.00% 6.50-13.50% 3.50-7.50% 3.00-6.00% 30.00%
Montenegro 15.00% 7.01-9.01% 4.01% 3.00-5.00% 9.00-15.00%
Morocco 10.00-15.00% 5.50-15.00% 5.50-15.00% 0.00% 12.50-32.00%
Netherlands 36.00% 6.00-16.90% 5.00-14.90% 1.00-2.00% 19.00-25.80%
New Zealand 10.50-39.00% 5.10-5.90% 1.60-1.90% 3.50-4.00% 28.00%
North Macedonia 10.00% 4.20-7.50% 2.20-5.50% 2.00% 10.00%
Norway 22.00% 4.60-6.60% 3.60% 1.00-3.00% 22.00%
Panama 0.00-25.00% 7.10-9.10% 4.10% 3.00-5.00% 25.00%
Peru 30.00% 7.10-9.75% 4.10-4.75% 3.00-5.00% 29.50%
Philippines 25.00% 13.00-16.25% 2.50-3.75% 3.00-5.00% 25.00%
Poland 8.50-12.50% 5.25-10.00% 3.25-7.00% 2.00-3.00% 9.00-19.00%
Portugal 28.00% 5.45-17.20% 2.45-11.20% 3.00-6.00% 14.70-21.00%
Puerto Rico 29.00% 5.00-8.00% 1.00-2.00% 4.00-6.00% 23.50-37.50%
Qatar 0.00% 2.00-6.00% 1.00% 1.00-5.00% 35.00%
Romania 10.00% 5.44-9.20% 1.44-3.20% 4.00-6.00% 16.00%
Saudi Arabia
Singapore 24.00% 13.45-50.45% 6.45-66.45% 2.00% 17.00%
Slovak Republic 19.00-25.00% 3.01-5.50% 1.01-1.50% 2.00-4.00% 21.00%
Slovenia 25.00% 4.01-6.40% 3.01-4.40% 1.00-2.00% 22.00%
South Africa 18.00-45.00% 5.80-21.80% 0.80-14.30% 5.00-7.50% 27.00%
South Korea 6.00-45.00% 2.20-14.10% 1.90-13.60% 0.30-0.50% 9.00-24.00%
Spain 19.00% 10.50-20.00% 7.50-14.00% 3.00-6.00% 25.00%
Sweden 30.00% 5.60-10.85% 2.60-5.85% 3.00-5.00% 20.60%
Switzerland 2.00-40.00% 3.30-8.80% 1.30-5.80% 2.00-3.00% 11.90-21.00%
Taiwan 18.00% 10.20-17.10% 7.20-9.10% 3.00-8.00% 20.00%
Thailand 0.00-35.00% 6.00-9.00% 3.00-4.00% 3.00-5.00% 20.00%
Tunisia 0.00-35.50% 8.60-9.10% 8.60-9.10% 0.00% 10.00-35.00%
Turkey 15.00-40.00% 7.60-7.70% 7.60-7.70% 0.00% 25.00%
United Arab Emirates 0.00% 9.00-10.00% 7.00% 2.00-3.00% 0.00-15.00%
United Kingdom 0.00-45.00% 2.60-18.60% 0.60-15.10% 2.00-3.50% 19.00-26.50%
United States 30.00% 3.65-10.10% 0.65-4.10% 3.00-6.00% 22.00-33.00%
Uruguay 25.00% 11.00% 8.00% 3.00% 25.00%
Vietnam 5.00-10.00% 3.55-6.10% 2.55-3.10% 1.00-3.00% 20.00%

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Other costs not included in our calculation:

  • Survey fees: Fees for property surveys or inspections, which may be required during the purchase process.
  • Acquisition fees for tax numbers or residency permits: Costs associated with obtaining tax identification numbers or residency permits in certain countries.
  • Company setup costs: Fees for establishing a company, which may be necessary for foreign buyers in some countries.
  • Annual property taxes and capital gains taxes: These taxes are not included in our calculations as they are typically paid after the transaction, either annually or upon the sale of the property.