House Price Change 1 Year (Nominal) in Belgium compared to Europe

1-year nominal residential house price index percentage change for the country or capital city. Updated quarterly.

Last updated September, 2024
Turkey 25.68%
Luxembourg 14.75%
Poland 13.64%
Slovak Rep. 11.25%
Hungary 11.16%
Czech Rep. 9.48%
Croatia 9.10%
Portugal 8.25%
Netherlands 7.40%
Greece 7.32%
Estonia 7.03%
Germany 6.87%
Lithuania 5.63%
Belgium 5.21%
Sweden 5.19%
France 4.99%
Romania 4.80%
Bulgaria 4.72%
Slovenia 4.69%
Austria 4.16%
Italy 2.79%
Norway 2.27%
UK 1.96%
Cyprus 1.83%
North Macedonia 1.44%
Denmark 1.26%
Spain 0.25%
Ireland 0.15%
Latvia 0.12%
Switzerland -0.62%
Finland -0.95%
Malta -2.58%
Montenegro -8.20%

Belgium real estate data, including prices, rents, and sizes in square meters, has been compiled and analyzed from the following sources:

  • European Central Bank (ECB)
  • Immoweb

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