Yields poor in Moscow, good for very small apartments in St. Petersburg

Last Updated: July 31, 2019
MOSCOW - Apartments
COST (€) YIELD (p.a.) PRICE/SQ.M. (€)
Aleksandrovsky Sad 1,017,206 3,527 4.05% 7,696 25.95
Arbatskaya 823,666 2,828 4.14% 6,805 23.47
Borovitzkaya 1,017,206 3,527 4.05% 7,696 25.95
Smolenskaya 823,666 2,828 4.14% 6,805 23.47
Chistye Prudy 554,932 3,499 5.27% 5,386 23.66
Chkalovskaya 534,144 2,607 4.86% 5,034 20.40
Frunzenskaya 648,065 2,416 4.54% 6,305 23.85
Kropotkinskaya 1,161,708 3,699 3.92% 8,278 27.06
Park Kultury 1,047,887 3,891 4.27% 7,644 27.22
Sportivnaya 658,209 2,280 4.60% 6,223 23.85
Dostoyevskaya 412,371 1,998 4.75% 4,678 18.52
Kuznetsky Most 699,476 3,160 5.02% 5,910 24.70
Barrikadnaya 571,923 2,575 5.21% 5,413 23.49
Delovoy Tsentr 645,567 4,529 6.91% 5,298 30.51
Krasnopresnenskaya 571,923 2,575 5.21% 5,407 23.49
Mezhdunarodnaya 645,567 4,529 6.91% 5,298 30.51
Belorusskaya 277,826 1,709 5.82% 4,187 20.32
Biblioteka Imeni Lenina 1,017,206 3,527 4.05% 7,696 25.95
Chekhovskaya 706,935 2,847 4.57% 6,664 25.39
Kitay - Gorod 798,746 2,840 4.67% 6,188 24.11
Lubyanka 699,476 3,160 5.02% 5,910 24.70
Mayakovskaya 675,306 2,874 4.65% 6,591 25.54
Novoslobodskaya 412,371 1,998 4.75% 4,678 18.52
Okhotny Ryad 758,908 3,384 4.94% 6,244 25.71
Ploshchad Revolyutsii 758,908 3,384 4.94% 6,244 25.71
Pushkinskaya 706,935 2,847 4.57% 6,664 25.39
Teatralnaya 758,908 3,384 4.94% 6,244 25.71
Tverskaya 706,935 2,847 4.57% 6,664 25.39
Polyanka 1,188,397 3,378 3.28% 9,144 25.00
Dobryninskaya 382,142 1,835 4.63% 5,486 21.15
Novokuznetskaya 713,696 2,494 4.19% 6,584 22.98
Tretyakovskaya 713,696 2,494 4.19% 6,584 22.98
Admiralteysky 157,601 762 5.80% 1,938 n.a.
Moskovsky 200,685 587 3.51% 2,022 n.a.
Vasileostrovsky 205,393 772 4.51% 2,055 n.a.
Tsentralny 213,170 761 4.28% 2,196 n.a.
Petrogradsky 273,858 756 3.31% 2,416 n.a.
All yields are gross - i.e., before taxes, repair costs, ground rents, estate agents fees, and any other costs. Net yields (what you´ll really earn) are typically around 1.5% to 2% lower.
Source: Domofond and BN.ru Definitions: Data FAQ See also: Update Schedule

An apartment in an elite neighborhood in Moscow costs on average EUR 10,000 to EUR 14,500 per sq. m. If you have a million Euros, you can only buy a small apartment. A 75 sq.m. apartment costs on average EUR 750,000 or EUR 10,000 per sq.m.

Monthly rents per sq.m. in Moscow range from EUR 32 to EUR 41. This means that a 120 sq.m. apartment can be rented out for around EUR 3,800 per month.

In St. Petersburg, prices per sq.m. of apartments range from EUR 3,860 to EUR 6,600. This means that a 120 sq. m. apartment costs on average EUR 590,000 or EUR 4,900 per sq. m.

Monthly rents per sq. m. in St. Petersburg range from EUR 18 to EUR 20. This means that a 120 sq.m. apartment can be rented out for around EUR 2,100 per month.

Gross rental yields from apartments if fully rented range from 3.07% to 3.82% in Moscow, while in St. Petersburg, rental yields range from 3.46% to 6.20%.

Round trip transaction costs can be very high for foreigners buying residential property in Russia. See our Russia residential property transaction costs analysis Italy residential property transaction costs analysis and our Residential property transaction costs in Russia compared to other countries.

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