1-Bed Rent Price in Poland, Warsaw compared to Europe

Last updated September, 2024
United Kingdom, London €2,545
Switzerland, Zurich €2,315
Netherlands, Amsterdam €1,850
Ireland, Dublin €1,700
France, Paris €1,630
Luxembourg, Luxembourg City €1,540
Italy, Milan €1,520
Denmark, Copenhagen €1,475
Spain, Madrid €1,400
Sweden, Stockholm €1,340
Portugal, Lisbon €1,300
Finland, Helsinki €1,280
Slovenia, Ljubljana €1,100
Belgium, Brussels €1,050
Germany, Berlin €960
Austria, Vienna €940
Malta, Valletta €900
Czech Republic, Prague €895
Poland, Warsaw €842
Norway, Oslo €760
Slovak Republic, Bratislava €745
Latvia, Riga €680
Greece, Athens €675
Lithuania, Vilnius €650
Hungary, Budapest €630
Estonia, Tallinn €600
Cyprus, Nicosia €600
Croatia, Zagreb €600
Bulgaria, Sofia €550
Romania, Bucharest €540
Montenegro, Podgorica €450
North Macedonia, Skopje €215

Poland real estate data, including prices, rents, and sizes in square meters, has been compiled and analyzed from the following sources:

  • Central Bank of Poland
  • Otodom
  • Ey

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