Apartment yields in Helsinki range from low to moderate

Last Updated: Oct. 13, 2019
HELSINKI - Apartments PRICE/SQ.M. (€) YIELD (p.a.) PRICE/SQ.FT. (€)
Kaivopuisto 8,376 23.50 3.37% 778 2.18
Kaartinkaupunki 8,205 25.00 3.66% 762 2.32
Punavuori 7,813 24.60 3.78% 726 2.29
Eira 7,765 24.00 3.71% 721 2.23
Ruoholahti 7,645 22.50 3.53% 710 2.09
Kruununhaka 7,325 23.70 3.88% 680 2.20
Etu-Töölö 7,286 23.30 3.84% 677 2.16
Keski-Töölö 6,823 n.a. n.a. 634 n.a.
Taka-Töölö 6,757 22.80 4.05% 628 2.12
Pohjois-Meilahti 6,469 22.10 4.10% 601 2.05
Sörnäinen 6,324 n.a. n.a. 587 n.a.
Etu-Vallila 6,304 n.a. n.a. 586 n.a.
Vattuniemi 6,287 23.40 4.47% 584 2.17
Kallio 6,224 21.60 4.16% 578 2.01
Katajanokka 6,215 27.40 5.29% 577 2.55
All yields are gross - i.e., before taxes, repair costs, ground rents, estate agents fees, and any other costs. Net yields (what you´ll really earn) are typically around 1.5% to 2% lower.
Source: Vuokraovi.com and Assuntojen Hinnat Definitions: Data FAQ See also: Update Schedule

Rental property gives very moderate returns in Helsinki. Gross rental yields range from 2.86% to 4.11%. Smaller apartments earn the highest rental returns, while bigger apartments earn the lowest rental returns.

Prices of 60 sq. m. apartments are now EUR 6,700 per sq. m.,.

Rents range from EUR 17.3 to EUR 23 per sq. m. per month. This is close to our findings two years ago, when we found rents ranging from EUR 20 to EUR 25 per sq. m. per month.

Round trip transaction costs are moderate in Finland. See our Property transaction costs analysis in Finland and Residential property transaction costs in Finland, compared to the rest of Europe.

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