Rental Yields in Panama, Panama City compared to Latin America

Average rental yields for 1, 2, and 3-bedroom residential properties in capital cities are calculated using median property prices and rental rates, sourced from local real estate listings across each country. Updated quarterly.

Last updated September, 2024
Colombia, Medellin 9.15%
Puerto Rico, San Juan 8.61%
Costa Rica, San José 8.25%
Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo 7.48%
Panama, Panama City 6.78%
Jamaica, Kingston 6.73%
Brazil, Sao Paolo 6.70%
Mexico, Mexico City 5.89%
Peru, Lima 5.45%
Uruguay, Montevideo 5.37%
Argentina, Buenos Aires 4.88%
Chile, Santiago 4.75%
Belize, Combined 4.27%

Panama real estate data, including prices, rents, and sizes in square meters, has been compiled and analyzed from the following sources:

  • Properstar
  • Superintendency of Banks of Panama

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