Price/Rent Ratio in Puerto Rico compared to Latin America

This price-to-rent ratio helps assess whether it is more cost-effective to buy or rent a home in a given market. A high price-to-rent ratio suggests that buying a property is more expensive relative to renting, whereas a low ratio indicates that buying may be more favorable than renting.

  • Price-to-Rent Ratio below 16: It's generally cheaper to buy a home than to rent.
  • Price-to-Rent Ratio between 17 and 20: The cost of buying and renting is roughly comparable.
  • Price-to-Rent Ratio above 21: It's generally cheaper to rent than to buy.
Last updated December, 2024
Argentina, Buenos Aires 22 yrs
Santiago 21 yrs
Brazil, Sao Paolo 18 yrs
Mexico, Mexico City 18 yrs
Peru, Lima 17 yrs
Panama, Panama City 16 yrs
Uruguay, Montevideo 15 yrs
Dominican Republic, San Juan 15 yrs
Puerto Rico, San Juan 14 yrs
Colombia, Medellin 14 yrs
Costa Rica, San Jose 14 yrs

Puerto Rico real estate data, including prices, rents, and sizes in square meters, has been compiled and analyzed from the following sources:

  • Federal Housing Finance Agency
  • Point2Homes
  • Realtor

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