Moderate rental yields on Japanese residential property

Last Updated: May 15, 2017
TOKYO - Apartments PRICE/SQ.M. (US$) YIELD (p.a.) PRICE/SQ.FT. (US$)
Chiyoda apartments 16,732 33.36 2.39% 1,554 3.10
Chuo apartments 8,705 32.18 4.44% 809 2.99
Minato apartments 16,322 36.22 2.66% 1,516 3.36
Setagaya apartments n.a. 26.72 n.a. n.a. 2.48
Shibuya apartments 15,947 32.60 2.45% 1,481 3.03
Shinjuku apartments n.a. 30.03 n.a. n.a. 2.79
Source: REINS and Japan Property Central Definitions: Data FAQ See also: Update Schedule

In Tokyo's central districts gross rental yields - the return earned on the purchase price of a rental property, before taxation, vacancy costs, and other costs - range from 3.4% to 5.4%. They're a little higher on smaller apartments. Not great, though not untypical for a city like Tokyo. Yields on the very smallest apartments are 5.4%, a reasonable yield. But then smaller apartments tend to need more maintenance, so a higher yield is justified.

Prices per square metre range from around $8,700 to $13,800, not really so expensive when compared to other global cities. In Yen terms residential prices continue to strengthen. That's likely to continue so long as Abenomics is in place. More money in the system means lower interest rates means increasing asset prices, especially prices of assets that produce nice incomes, like Tokyo property.

This is going to be interesting. If Abenomics really leads to a revival of the Japanese economy, rising incomes will continue to support rising rents. However as time goes on, the success of Abenomics seems more and more in doubt.

Round trip transaction costs are moderate in Japan. See our Property transaction costs analysis for Japan and Property transaction costs in Japan, compared to the rest of Asia.


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