Latvia law is PRO-LANDLORD
Rents: Can landlord and tenant freely agree rents in Latvia?
Rents can be freely agreed between landlord and tenant. Rent control exists only on denationalized buildings.
What rights do landlords and tenants have in Latvia, especially as to duration of contract, and eviction?
Contracts for any period are possible. Contracts terminate on expiry of the term; no notice is necessary. If the tenant withdraws from the lease, he can be required to pay the whole amount of the lease or rental payment. The freedom to contract is extensive.
Contracts for terms which are not specifically agreed are deemed to be contracts for an indefinite period. Contracts for indefinite periods terminate, unless otherwise agreed, only after six months` prior notice. This notice can be given by either party. However where the rental is paid monthly or weekly, only one week or one month's notice needs to be given.
There is no maximum deposit.
How effective is the Latvian legal system?
The Civil Law of the Republic of Estonia delineates the legal relationship and duties of participating parties in a lease and rental contract.
Brief history: Recent changes in Latvian landlord and tenant law
Latvia's housing experienced radical privatization. In 1992 the process of restoring dwellings to former owners began, giving the residents seven years protection from rent eviction and from raising rents, after which the free market prevails. From 1995 state and municipality-owned houses began to be privatized, often without the land under the building being privatized, using privatization certificates.