Investment Analysis

House Price Data and Sources

House price time-series

We collect house price time-series for 42 countries. For the rest of the world, reliable historical data is just not available.

In these 42 countries, by preference we use central bank or national statistical institute data. But occasionally, we use data generated by realtors (Colliers for the Philippines) or other data. Japan generates no dwelling price statistics, so we use land prices as a proxy for dwelling prices. It's no excuse, but everyone else does the same.


Few countries generate rentals time series. Since the number of countries is too small to be interesting, we don't collect this data.

Global Property Guide in-house price per sq. m. and rental data

Our in-house research team generates house price and rentals data on 117 countries. For details click here. We began collecting data this systematically last year, so no time-series is yet available.

House price time-series: sources and definitions

Australia House price index, 8 capital cities AusStat
Australia Weighted average median house price REIA
Austria Residential property price index, Vienna Oesterreichische (Austria) National Bank
Belgium Residential property price index, Flats Institut National de Statistique
Bulgaria Average market prices of dwellings National Statistical Institute
Canada New housing price index Canadian Statistics
China Second-hand house price index, Shanghai eHomeday
Colombia New housing price index Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística
Cyprus Buy/sell house price index MFC S. Platis
Czech Rep Prices of habitable area, multi-dwelling Czech Statistical Office
Denmark Price index for sales of property, one family houses StatBank Denmark
Estonia Ave. price per sq.m. of dwellings in satisfactory condition, 2 rooms & kitchen, Tallinn Statistical Office of Estonia
Finland Dwellings in old blocks of Flat, whole country StatFin -Online Service
France Index of prices of old residences, France National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies
Germany Prices of owner-occupied flats BulweinGesa
Greece Index of prices of dwellings, other urban Bank of Greece
Hong Kong Private domestic price index, all classes Ratings and Valuation Department
Hungary House prices, Budapest - old condominium Otthon Centrum
Indonesia Residential property price index, new houses, big cities Bank Indonesia
Ireland Average house price Economic and Social Research Institute
Israel Ave. prices of owner occupied dwellings Central Bureau of Statistics
Italy Average price for residential, 13 urban areas Nomisma Spa Real Estate
Japan Urban residential land prices, Index Japan Real Estate Institute
Latvia Average price of sales of dwellings Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia
Ave. price of standard-type apartments in Riga Latio
Lithuania Ave. price of one- to two-room apartments, Vilnius Invalda Real Estate
Luxembourg Price of habitable surface STATEC Luxembourg
Malaysia House price index Bank Negara Malaysia
Malta House price index Central Bank of Malta
Netherlands House price index, nationwide NVM
New Zealand House price index, detached houses Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Norway House price index, all dwellings, seasonally adjusted Statistics Norway
Philippines Ave. price of prime 3-bedroom condominiums, Makati CBD Colliers International
Poland Price of usable floor space of a residential building Central Statistical Office Poland
Portugal Bank evaluation on housing, mainland Instituto Nacional de Estatística de Portugal (INE)
Singapore Property price index, private residential Urban Redevelopment Authority
South Africa ABSA House price index ABSA
Soth Korea House price index Kookmin Bank
Spain Ave. price for open-market appraised housing Banco de España
Sweden Real estate price index for 1- & 2- dwelling buildings Statistics Sweden
Switzerland House price index of rental apartments Swiss National Bank
Taiwan House Price Index Sinyi Property Inc.
Thailand House price index, single detached houses Bank of Thailand
UK Average house price Nationwide
US House price index Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
Median existing price National Association of Realtors